Performance Rewards History

View rebate history for

Note: You may be receiving Med Sync rebates instead of Performance Rewards for Q1. Hence, Performance Rewards may show $0.

Year-To-Date Rebate:
January February March
Compliance Met
# of PDC Measures Met
Rebate %
OneStop Generics purchases
Monthly Rebates

Quarterly Payment Total:

Analysis is provided for informational purposes only, and does not constitute business or legal advice. McKesson does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content and shall not be liable to you for any delays, inaccuracies, unavailability, errors or omissions of the content, or your reliance on such content. Discounts, rebates, credits or other price reductions in connection with the Health Mart Atlas Preferred Assistance or other rebate programs offered by McKesson are price reductions for purposes of 42 U.S.C. § 1320a–7b(b)(3)(A). You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations (including without limitation 42 C.F.R. § 1001.952(H)) requiring you to fully and accurately report and appropriately reflect discounts, rebates and other price reductions in cost reports or claims submitted to Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal and state healthcare programs and to private third-party payers. You must accurately report pricing, together with any reductions in price, in connection with any federal or state pricing survey (e.g., National average drug acquisition cost survey). You must retain this document and related price documentation and provide such documentation to authorized government healthcare program officials on request. You may request additional information from McKesson to meet your reporting and disclosure obligations.